Strategic groups and Strategic canvas analysis for the transportation sector in Egypt
The transportation sector in Egypt is considered as one of the important sectors. In my analysis I shall represent the different types of transportation an individual can use in order to navigate the cities of Egypt, and how this type of transportation can form different strategic groups. We will try to simulate how strategy canvas can be represented for this sector and what are the strategic gaps and opportunities we can find.
Another type of transportation which I consider it is in the same strategic group with microbuses is the underground. The underground in Egypt was first developed at the beginning of nineteenth. Due its high speed rather than other transportation means I believe the under ground in Egypt is one of the strongest means of transportation in Egypt and can strongly compete with microbuses. But the underground has two problems, the first one it is heavily crowded which means a lot of suffering while moving with it, the second problem it is not found all over Egypt just several places inside Cairo. The microbuses and underground can form one strategic group due to the following reasons:
· Both of them offer relatively fast and cheap means of transportation
· Both of them serve the same market segment
· Both of them operate in Cairo, but the microbuses is more wide spread than Cairo
· Both of them serve about 2 million daily.
· Both serve in Cairo.
· They serve the segment that can pay for taxi expenses.
· Although service quality is different but it is in the same range of one group.
Another type of transportation in Egypt is the public transportation; they include buses, minibuses and trams. Actually these means of transportation are very cheap, very crowded and very slow compared to other means of transportation, that’s why in Egypt many people prefer microbuses and underground than these public transportation.
This means that
Egyptians are searching for a cheap and comfort means of transportation.
According to my perception if we evaluated the extent to which offerings of different providers address the factors valued by customers, we will rank the following:
1. Transportation cost
2. Exhaustiveness
3. Speed
4. Coverage
According to these 4 factors we can map a strategy canvas perceived value by customers in the transportation means.
By strategy canvas model we can find out the strategic gaps and the opportunities suitable to apply for the transportation sector in Egypt.
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