what are the success factors of ERP implementation a case study using casual loop business dynamics

The business solutions softwares today offer a variety of tools that can help organization increase its profits and decrease waste
These business solutions need to be deployed through the organizations in order to make benefit from its tools
The implementation processes usually requires a lot of time and effort accompanied by many problems
In order to use he strong tools of business solutions softwares you need to have a successful implementation
Identifying key variables
Successful implementation requires some factors to be taken into consideration.
Strong business solution –suitable business solution that can help organization
Solution consultants competency –the experience and profession of the consultants who will implement the solution in the organization
People resistance –people always resist new technology
investment –how much are the owners wishing to pay
Technological infrastructure –the level of technology used in networks PC’s etc,….
Time Zone
For an implementation in a big local company the duration can be approximately 1 year
Reference mode


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